Coordinator: Stéphanie Chauvin (CR Inserm, team 3)
If you want to use the Metabolism Platform, please read the “charte”of the platform and fill and return the “Fiche de demande d’utilisation” .
This platform offers to researchers the possiblity to monitor variations of a large number of biological parameters in cellular extracts or in living cells. FlexStation 3 is a five-mode benchtop reader addressing multiple technologies including : absorbance, fluorescence intensity, fluorescence polarization, luminescence and time-resolved fluorescence. Dual monochromators allow users to target the optimal assay excitation and emission wavelength (from 250 to 1000 nm). The multi-mode reader has also an integrated fluid transfer workstation allowing automated fluidics transfer using the 8- or 16-channel pipettor in a multi-well plate format (96 and 384-well). The FlexStation is ideal for measuring the activity of Gq-coupled receptors via the detection of intracellular calcium release. In addition, kits are available for the measurement of fatty acid uptake, cyclic GMP and AMP levels, potassium ion channel flux, and membrane potential.
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