Logo 5th NAT WorkShop Paris BFA




To submit an abstract, please select one of the following abstract categories:

  • Poster presentation
  • Oral presentation

Acceptances will be notified (email) by the Organizing Committee

  • Invited speaker: letters of invitation will be sent to speakers selected by the Organizing Committee

Abstract format

Please attach abstract in an email message as a Word document
Please limit your text to ONE A4 page.

  • The preferred size and typeface are 10-point Times New Roman.
  • Abstract should be typed single spaced, please right and left-justify the margins. Utilise all of the space within the page, to clearly describe the objectives, methods used, results and conclusions of studies reported.
  • Title should be typed in ALL CAP and should be left-justified. Names and addresses of authors should be typed in upper and lower case.
  • Please begin new line for authors' names and a new line for authors' addresses. Include first name, middle initial last name (in that order) and complete address (including zip code or other mail code and country) for all authors (and for sponsor, if applicable). Do not skip a line between title and names or between names and addresses. Please provide an email address for the corresponding author.
  • Please underline the name of presenting author.
  • Place a number (in superscript) after the name of each author. This number should correspond to the author's address. Authors who share the same address should be assigned the same number. If all authors are from the same institution, no superscripts are needed.

Directions for submitting abstract(s)

Abstracts should be sent electronically, to the Secretariat (olja.kacanski@univ-paris-diderot.fr) by 30th June 2010. Please label email subject as 5th NAT Workshop Abstract.

The deadline for oral presentation is now over, however, the deadline for poster abstracts has been extended to July, 26th. Please feel free to send abstracts for poster sessions

Please indicate which category would be most suitable, as follows:

  1. Structure and enzymatic functions of NAT
  2. NAT in microorganisms
  3. NAT polymorphisms, diseases and evolution
  4. NAT expression and regulation
  5. NAT and aromatic amine metabolism
  6. NAT nomenclature
  7. Animal models of NAT
Beckman Coulter


Dominique Dutscher




Roche diagnostics



Paris Diderot University


© Copyright Florent Busi / Université Paris Diderot, BFA 2010